Sweet Mama Dog Interacting with a Beautiful Child with Down Syndrome

This has just warmed my heart today and I had to share. ❤

I’ve always wanted to work with children and have considered working with children with disabilities/learning difficulties. I think it would be an amazing experience – fulfilling & yet challenging, each and every day.

I went to school with a young lad who has Down Syndrome and I actually saw him last week at our 10 year reunion. He hasn’t changed a bit! Still the loving, caring & outspoken guy he was 10 years ago!

I love that he was allowed to go to a mainstream highschool, but at the same time he was taken advantage of by some kids who had him do things (like kiss someone or say something rude to a teacher) just to get a laugh. But it wasn’t funny to the majority of us and many said to me at the reunion that they didn’t like the way he was mistreated by a few.

I hope you love this video as much as I did. ❤